2 Things to Check Before Calling for Kanpur Air AC Repair Service

5:49 AM HanddyMan 0 Comments

Kanpur India- Announcing that it's hot outside would be a bit of an understatement. The steamy Houston summer is pushing air conditioners to their limit, raising the risk for crashes even in high-quality AC units. The Kanpur air conditioning experts at Handdyman are always fast to answer emergency repair calls, but the cause of the problem is often simple mistake made by the homeowner. Handdyman explains two things residents should always check prior to calling in the professionals for help.

AC Repair Service kanpur
 1. Examine the power source.If the AC is not responding or failing to produce cool air, it could be an issue of power supply. Condenser units frequently become unplugged from their power source, so homeowners should check to see if all plugs are securely connected to power. If everything appears to be plugged in, flip the appropriate switches in the circuit breaker. Power surges commonly trip breakers that supply power to the AC.

2. Inspect the thermostat.This next tip may seem obvious, but no one is immune to silly mistakes. Handdyman visits a surprising number of homes where the source of the problem was a simple misread thermostat. Before calling in a professional, always make sure the heat switch is off and the thermostat is actually set to the desired temperature. Commonly, residents brush against the thermostat in a hurry to leave and unknowingly turn on the heat setting.

Although these issues are a quick fix, residents should never toy with complex wiring or attempt major repairs themselves. Doing so can inflict serious bodily harm, worsen the issue and even void warranties. If the answer to the problem requires more than an easy flip of the switch or plug-in, homeowners must contact a professional to resolve the issue.

After the thermostat and power sources have been examined, quickly call Handdyman to diagnose the error, offer a reasonable estimate and promptly return the air conditioning system back to optimal performance. Leaving an issue in the unit untreated allows for natural factors like weather, dirt and leaves to exacerbate the situation and increase repair costs.

For more information about Ac Repair Service Kanpur, call Handdyman at 9716488399 or visit the HousePro website at www.handdyman.com

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